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Boucle d'oreille de la Reine en filigrane d'argent I Bijoux portugais Brincos À Rainha I Boucles d'oreille en argent - 2.5cm
Bague Da Rainha en Argent I Vente en ligne de bijoux portugais Brincos À Rainha I Bague en argent Argent
Boucles d'oreille en filigrane d'argent doré I Vente de bijoux argent Brincos À Princesa I Boucles d'oreille en argent doré - 8,5cm
Collier Conta de Viana en argent doré I Bijoux origine Portugal Conta de Viana I Bracelet de perles en argent
Bracelet Conta de Viana en or I Bijoux en or du Portugal Conta de Viana I Bracelet en argent doré
Bracelet Conta de Viana en argent et coton rouge Conta de Viana I Bracelet en argent
Bracelet Conta de Viana I Bracelet traditionnel portugais Conta de Viana I Bracelet en soie et perle en argent
Charm en argent doré I Breloques en argent portugaises Charm Conta de Viana en argent doré
Charm portugais Conta de viana I Breloque porte bonheur Charm Conta de Viana en argent
Collier Conta de Viana I Bijoux origine Portugal Collier "Conta de Viana" - Argent
Bracelet en filigrane d'or monté sur cordon en soie noire Infinito I Bracelet en argent doré
Bracelet en filigrane d'argent monté sur cordon en soie noire Infinito I Bracelet en argent
Alliance en filigrane d'argent I Vente en ligne Infinito I Alliance en argent
Collier en verre Marinha Grande I Verre fusionné portugais Collier
Boucles d'oreille en filigrane d'argent doré I Vente de bijoux argent Charm Cruz Dorée Alma & Coraçao
Boucles d'oreille en filigrane d'argent doré I Vente de bijoux argent Charm Cruz Argent Alma & Coraçao
ALMA & CORACÃO Collier Croix de Malte en argent
Broche en filigrane d'argent I Argent sterling 925/1000e Borboleta I Broche en argent
Bague en filigrane d'argent doré I Vente en ligne France Borboleta I Alliance en argent
Bague en filigrane d'argent doré I Vente en ligne France Rendas I Bague en argent
Bague en filigrane d'argent doré I Vente en ligne France Rendas I Bague en argent
Anneau en filigrane d'argent en forme de fleur I Bijoux portugais Flores I Bague en argent
212 results

Filigree jewelry

Portugal : The country of filigree jewelery. The filigree technique consists in interlacing and welding very fine gold or silver wires in order to produce magnificent jewelery. This technique appeared at the end of the 5th millennium in Egypt but it was in Portugal, at the time of the great discoveries, that this goldsmith's technique developed. It reached its peak in the 18th century. Nowadays, filigree jewelery is made in Northern Portugal, in Gondomar, Braga, in the Povaa de Lenhoso region where we can find the best craftsmen of "Viana's hearts", "Queen's earrings", crosses and necklaces. The filigree in 925/1000 e silver or gold threads are crafted to offer you magnificent pendants, necklaces, bracelets, rings or earrings using Portuguese symbols: the heart of Viana (Coração de Viana) and the Queen's earrings (Da Rainha) are the most appreciated.

Portugal : The land of gold and silver jewelery. The tradition of Portuguese goldsmiths also expresses itself on typical jewels such as Viana's Conta pearls in gold or silver. These pearl necklaces are as old as the art of silversmithing in Portugal. They were born from the difficulty of buying a whole filigree necklace. The women then bought each bead one by one until they made a whole chain, and usually wore their Conta de Viana necklace at their wedding.