Maria I Ceramic Biscuit Box
- En Stock / Expédition Immédiate
- Produit authentique du Portugal
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Ceramic box inspired by the famous "Maria" biscuits enjoyed by the Portuguese for almost 150 years.
Beyond its decorative aspect representing Portuguese popular culture, this ceramic box is perfectly functional and preserves perfectly the Maria biscuits thanks to its lid with a waterproof lid.
- A true Portuguese icon
- A wonderful ceramic craft by the António Rosa workshop, a Portuguese workshop that has won several awards for its creativity
- Height: 24cm
- Outside diameter: 7.5cm
- Inside diameter: 6.5cm
- Weight: 700g
The origin of "Maria" Biscuits is English. It was invented by the Freans Peek Industrial Firm in 1874 in honor of the wedding of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Romania, daughter of Emperor Alexander II of Russia. This biscuit is served as a snack at tea time in Portugal, but also in Spain, Mexico, Australia, India, and South Africa.